Sensible World Of Soccer (SWOS) for me is the best soccer game ever made, the unique
game that can transmit the emotion of a real soccer match.

Despite the graphs not being so wonderful as of the FIFA Soccer, in playability it gives a bath
in any game of soccer that I have seen, I love the playability of the first classic
Sensible Soccer 1.1,
despite the SWOS having other advantages, it was well more difficult, it had that to know itself to
dominate and load the ball. But with this, fews had patience to learn, and in the SWOS this was
finished, it is much more easy of leading the ball and dribbling, and transformed this game into
a fever for who really it likes and it understands of soccer.
Everything started in 1993 when I was in college and said to some friends that still not exist
any real good soccer game to PC until now, I said that the only playable was
Manchester United for PC and the best games are
Match Day 2 for MSX and Goal!
for Nintendo.
So my friend Davi told me about a game called Sensible Soccer, with very
little players but is really nice to play. In the beginning I don't like the name, but anyway
I said to my friend Leo that was the only one that had a PC at this time close to my
house to try to get this game, and was what he did.
Was really love in first view, that crowd, goal screams, "buhhh", "ahhhhhh", faults, cards,
sendings off and we can edit our favorite teams and our own teams, changing names, colors,
uniforms, and the playability was amazing, that was the best at that time.
In the beginning I confess that was hard to learn to play, we always lost from the CPU.
I remember that I leave that game to Fabiano's house and Rodrigão played
Brasil X Itália and lost for 4x0 and Sandro making funny of his face. So
Rodrigão said to Sandro to try to do more and in the first minute
Sandro scored 1x0 and making more funny of Rodrigão's face but that was a short
time, Italia scored, and scored, and scored until reach 11x1 (yes, ELEVEN against ONLY ONE),
and Sandro start to cry not resisting Rodrigão making funny of his face.
We are too young at this time, and exist many histories like that...
In 1994 was released the first version of FIFA Soccer, and we love the graphics but hate the
playability, so we still playing our amable Sensible Soccer until 1995.
One day I'm walking on the streets and saw an imported magazine with many CD of demos and one
was a new version of our amable game, rated at 98%, the biggest rate that I ever saw in my life
about a game, so must be great.
That was the first version of Sensible World Of Soccer or
SWOS for the fans. The magazine only saying good things about the game, and I we
really love the Demo version, so I show to my friend Leo to try to find this game
here, that is almost impossible.
That first SWOS was released in 1994 with more than 2000 teams of full world and more than
25000 players
with proper features, become the game more real, involving money, tactics, injuries,
transactions, suspensions, resignations and anything more than exists in the world of the
But finaly Leo fast found a copy in CD for us. In that time nobody had a CD-ROM in our
PCs (remember that?), and we had to convert to floppy disks first to copy to all crew to
start to training for the next tournament.
We stay so in love with that game that I decode all Hex codes of the game and changed
everything, translating anything to portugues making a brazilian version with all
brazilian team always updated and with a brazilian second division with more 42 teams.
I'm was really crazy doing that stuff. : )
At 1997 knows via internet that our SWOS had two more versions, the
SWOS 95/96 and SWOS 96/97.
In the first view I thought that was only team updates and nothing more and forget
because I already have all teams updated. Anyway I found a Argentine site
with a SWOS Editor for Windows to edit all teams, was really great not use Hex Code again
to edit the teams. : )
We continued to play with this version, independent of how much FIFA's were released.
This site was made also in 1997 only showing my love about this game.
In 1998 also via internet I knew about the Sensible Soccer '98 was released,
with graphs 3D like FIFA Soccer, but unfortunately it
was a disillusionment for all we fans of the SWOS. It has innovative effect and real estate
as the players cry out of pain when suffering a lack, ask for the ball, shout with the Judge
among others things. It possesss redefinition of keyboard keys for two players in the
keyboard, thing that in the old ones did not have. But your playability was so bad,
so bad like FIFA Soccer.
Soon later they had been released somes Updates to try to improve it, but unhappyly with a
weak playability became only plus another 3D Soccer Game. Although still to be well upper
to the Fifa, the game did not get the waited success causing the sale of the
Sensible Software
to a new company called Codemasters.
With the big dissapointed and the end of the hope of a new SWOS
the tournaments were down, we don't have the SWOS CUP 1998 and 1999, only having little
tournaments with not much important, nothing was like the SWOS CUP 1997.
But again searching on the internet, I found many new SWOS sites,
and a new editor to SWOS 96/97 in the same Argentine site. So I think
weird because is the same game, but I'm was wrong.
Had championship of Highlights in hole world, discovered many people accross the world
that also love this game and they want to do this game never die.
Downloading these Highlights I can't play in my SWOS version and I really
don't understand why, so I started to research about the SWOS 96/97, finding
pictures that are differents, and I love them. Talking with a english friend called
Paul Turner we made a deal exchanging a SWOS 96/97 CD copy for
an Official Brazilian T-Shirt.
I really love this new version, is really better the the last one, more difficult to score,
the graphics were improved, and have more details as the crowd moves,
show the name of the player who is with the ball instead of alone the number as before,
the advertising boards change like in real stadiums, head-shoot without jumping, etc...
In 2000 we re-started our tournaments and had after two years of inativity the
SWOS CUP 2000, that resulted in the first tournament with real
Cup and Medals, and with the best organization ever made until now. Because the
big success we organize now more tournaments accross the year using a little contribution
to cover the expenses and in each tournaments we have more players, and the retired players
are coming back to play again. And the trend is to improve and more disputed in each
So SWOS 96/97 come as our official game until a new good version of
SWOS will be released.
Now all the SWOS's fans around the world are matched for
the Codemasters makes a new better version of SWOS in the old Arcade style that all we like
and happily he is giving certain, it is already in production and they are hearing suggestions
and claims in this site above. If more people reveal, faster will be released.